設計理念 和 時尚觀點
在你 傾倒 于他們的作品之時
那些或 黑暗浪漫,或 華麗高貴
或妖異出位且 天馬行空,或 干凈溫柔 的設計
我們挑選了一些 時尚思想家 的言論
“Maybe your fat mom is sitting in front of the TV holding a big bag of chips and sneering at the ugly models. Fashion, however, is all about dreams and fantasies.”
"We are living in the dark, romantic, and quite a miserable world."
I an inspired by everything.There is only one rule:eyes open!
"One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress."
Jean Paul Gaultier 讓·保羅·高提耶
"I want to tell you, open your eyes and see beauty in places you wouldn't normally notice."
"I was a lonely kid, and one day I felt my teddy bear was so fat that I made him a tights."
Alexander McQueen 亞歷山大·麥昆
"Like most artists, I find beauty in the grotesque."
"I have no way back, and I will take you on what you think is an impossible journey."
Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫·圣·洛朗
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
“I have never sufferde sorrow on purpose.but I have found the paradise of creativity thought that.”
Vivienne Westwood 薇薇恩·韋斯特伍德
“The ultimate fashion is to take off all your clothes!”
"You shouldn't ask, 'why are you wearing a hat? 'you should ask,' why not? '"
"To be stylish is to go to McDonald's in an evening dress and play football in high heels. It's a personality, a confidence and a seduction."
"Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them."
“It’s important for me that my clothes are mot just and exercise in runway high jinks.”
"I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect, they are much more interesting."
“Fashion is a huge stage.I always dream of performing on it .However,Iwanna different,out of the steretype,for avoiding machine-made style.”
"When I get home, I take my clothes off and don't get dressed until I go out. I eat naked and do everything naked."
"What is really beautiful is not necessarily shiny on the outside."
Valentino Garavani 瓦倫蒂諾·加拉瓦尼
“I design for romantic people.”
"You gotta have style. It helps you get down the stairs. It helps you get up in the morning. It’s a way of life. Without it, you’re nobody. I’m not talking about lots of clothes.”
“The thing I most interested in is continuity.I’ve always worked hard at not being today’s flavors.”
“奢侈是舒適的,否則就不是奢侈, 有人認為奢侈是貧窮的對立面。其實不是,奢侈是粗俗的對立面?!?/strong>
“未來才是浪漫的。我不懂為什么大家說過去是浪漫的。對我而言,浪漫是一種未知,一種夢境,一種觸不可及的神秘。這才是浪漫迷人的地方?!薄猂af Simons
“為什么不把我們的討厭的東西來個從上到下、從里到外的顛覆呢?”——Alber Elbaz
“在機器時代,時裝裁剪是人性、個性、特性的終極慰藉之一?!薄狢hristian Dior
“時尚就是做夢和給別人造夢?!薄狣onatella Versace
“時裝設計師必須像建筑師之于構造,雕塑家之于造型,畫家之于顏色,音樂家之于和諧,哲學家之于節制?!薄狢ristobal Balenciaga
“我在20多年前形成了自己的風格,或者說是我的風格在20多年前找上了我。自那以后,我經手的每一根線條、每一個筆觸、外觀和服裝輪廓,全都印上了自己的風格,而這些又定義了我?!?/strong>—— Hedi Slimane
“我的設計中,有一半是有節制地發揮想象,有15%是完全瘋狂的創意,剩下的則是為了面包和黃油的設計?!薄?Manolo Blahnik